The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
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The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) is the official archive for Northern Ireland with a statutory remit to receive, preserve and make available public records and privately deposited collections.
PRONI has in its custody a wide variety of material including material relating to the LGBTQIA+ community in Northern Ireland – Our largest private collections relating to the LGBTQIA+ community are:
1. Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association Papers - D3762
These are the papers of NIGRA dating between 1973 and 1986 – Included in this collection are the Association’s minutes, correspondence, publications and material about Jeffrey Dudgeon’s case with the European Court of Human Rights which led to the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Northern Ireland.
2. Cara-Friend Papers - D4437
Cara-Friend has offered a befriending service, advice, support and companionship to those who are coming to terms with their sexuality or gender identity for almost the past 50 years. The highlight of their Papers at PRONI is a collection of letters received from all over Northern Ireland from individuals seeking support.
3. P A MagLochlainn Papers - D4779
P A MagLochlainn was a former president of the Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association and one of the founding members of the Belfast Pride Committee. These papers mainly concern the formation and development of Belfast Pride between 1991 and 2010 including a collection of photographs of the first Belfast Pride held in June 1991.
Any member of the public is welcome to come to PRONI, register for a visitor card and view any of the open material in the collections above. The closed records in these collections can be accessed via a researcher agreement for students and academics – Please email for more information
PRONI’s LGBTQIA+ material is still limited to a few big collections, and this is something that we eagerly hope to address in the future. There is a particular gap in material relating to lesbians and transgender individuals in Northern Ireland and we would greatly welcome any material relating to those groups – If you wish to enquire about depositing LGBTQIA+ papers, please get in touch with us at
PRONI has in its custody a wide variety of material including material relating to the LGBTQIA+ community in Northern Ireland – Our largest private collections relating to the LGBTQIA+ community are:
1. Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association Papers - D3762
These are the papers of NIGRA dating between 1973 and 1986 – Included in this collection are the Association’s minutes, correspondence, publications and material about Jeffrey Dudgeon’s case with the European Court of Human Rights which led to the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Northern Ireland.
2. Cara-Friend Papers - D4437
Cara-Friend has offered a befriending service, advice, support and companionship to those who are coming to terms with their sexuality or gender identity for almost the past 50 years. The highlight of their Papers at PRONI is a collection of letters received from all over Northern Ireland from individuals seeking support.
3. P A MagLochlainn Papers - D4779
P A MagLochlainn was a former president of the Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association and one of the founding members of the Belfast Pride Committee. These papers mainly concern the formation and development of Belfast Pride between 1991 and 2010 including a collection of photographs of the first Belfast Pride held in June 1991.
Any member of the public is welcome to come to PRONI, register for a visitor card and view any of the open material in the collections above. The closed records in these collections can be accessed via a researcher agreement for students and academics – Please email for more information
PRONI’s LGBTQIA+ material is still limited to a few big collections, and this is something that we eagerly hope to address in the future. There is a particular gap in material relating to lesbians and transgender individuals in Northern Ireland and we would greatly welcome any material relating to those groups – If you wish to enquire about depositing LGBTQIA+ papers, please get in touch with us at
The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
Public Archive
Northern Ireland
Collection Items
Letter written to Cara-Friend from 'Pat'
Letter written from 'Pat' to Cara-Friend. Cara-Friend was established in Belfast by a group of gay men and women in October 1974 as a completely voluntary befriending and information organisation for lesbian, gay and bisexual persons, or anyone for…
Letter written to Cara-Friend from 'Deborah'
Letter written to Cara-Friend from 'Deborah'. Cara-Friend was established in Belfast by a group of gay men and women in October 1974 as a completely voluntary befriending and information organisation for lesbian, gay and bisexual persons, or anyone…
Judgement in Dudgeon Case - European Court of Human Rights
Judgement of the European Court of Human Rights in the Dudgeon Case, Article 50 in both French and English
“In 1975, I lodged an application before the then European Commission of Human Rights complaining about the total prohibition of male…
“In 1975, I lodged an application before the then European Commission of Human Rights complaining about the total prohibition of male…