Browse Collections (12 total)

Legislation documents

civil partnership act 2004 pamphlet.pdf

The Parliament Bar

the parliament bar.pdf

Dudgeon Case

Dudgeon Case document ECHR.jpg

Mizz Mae - Harry McAllister

Mizz Mae's scrapbook.pdf

Photographs and letters from Harry's scrapbook


LGBTQIA+ Holocaust Memorial 2025.pdf

Contributors: LGBTQIA+ Sector organisations

Pride Guides

pride guide 2002 front cover-combined.pdf - Adobe cloud storage.pdf

Pride guides multiple years


icon April 2006 issue 2.pdf

The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)

D3762_2_1_30 reduced.pdf

The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) is the official archive for Northern Ireland with a statutory remit to receive, preserve and make…

Roger Casement


Born 1 September 1864, executed 3 August 1916 aged 51; buried Pentonville Prison, reburied Glasnevin cemetery 1 March 1965.…

Contributors: Jeffrey Dudgeon (Text), Fionntan McCarry (thank you for identifying people in the footage) , Ulster Television News

Belfast Pride 1991


“The First Belfast Pride was suggested at an NIGRA meeting on 16 May 1991. This Belfast Pride was organised in 6 weeks for June 1991. Depending on…

Contributors: David McFarlane (Photographer)