Browse Items (76 total)

In 1989 the Cork Lesbian Line Collective and the Belfast Lesbian Line participated in a Co-operation North Exchange.
They were awarded 1st Prize in the Women's Links Section.
The Co-operation North programme funded exchanges and co-operation…

Ian McKellen.jpg
A signed theatre programme for actor and gay rights campaigner Ian McKellen's one man touring show performed at the Grand Opera House in Belfast on 8th May 1988. Proceeds went to benefit local AIDS charities.

Original entry written by Michael…

Badge produced for the third annual All Ireland Lesbian and Gay Conference held in Belfast on 4-5 June 1983. The badge features the symbol of the pink triangle with the text 'Lesbian + Gay Liberation Conference'. The event was held in the Crescent…

Proud PCS Magazine 2004.pdf
Extract from Proud the magazine for Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, trans people, their friends & supporters Public Commercial & Services Union. The extract is a personal report of Belfast Pride parade 2004 and the first full civic reception for Pride…

Three headed dyke (1).JPG
A cartoon depicting a three headed woman called 'Lizzie'. Lizzie is saying 'What's wrong, never seen a dyke before'. Lizzie was a reoccurring character in Women's News.

Queer Space Calendar Feb 1998 - Jan 1999.pdf
Monthly calendar of events that were organised by the Queer Space Collective Belfast. The calendars were distributed via mailing list and by hand. Queer Space is a volunteer led LGBT community organisation founded in Belfast 1998.

QueerAction Belfast Parliament Bar.tif
A campaign poster made by Queer Action Belfast a group of volunteers from Queer Space Belfast. This poster is from a set made in 1998. Queer Space is a volunteer led LGBT community organisation founded in Belfast 1998.

An article from upstart magazine in which Christian LGBT ally Sylvia Sands describes the founding and ethos of the Oasis gay support group that met in Belfast in the 1980s and 1990s.

Original entry written by Michael Fryer 15/02/21

An outline of events taking place in February and March 1993 for the Oasis gay support group.

Original entry written by Michael Fryer 15/02/21

A book review of 'A Room in the Mountains', an autobiographical work by LGBT Christian ally Sylvia Sands.

Original entry written by Michael Fryer 15/02/21
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